Did Man Create God?


The genetics of bad behavior



One of the most frequently cited positive aspects of religion is to ensure moral behavior. But, what if humans are inherently good and amoral behavior is primarily the result of certain genes we inherit rather than the environment we are brought up in? This question and this possibility make an examination of the origins of amoral behavior a relevant subject. [455]


     Genes play a significant role in adult aggressive and criminal behavior. Individuals who carry a set of genes that predispose them to antisocial behavior begin to manifest this condition by the development of conduct disorder in early childhood. In about 50 percent of cases this genetic predisposition leads to criminal and other antisocial behavior in adulthood. The likelihood of antisocial behavior is increased when an individual with such genes is exposed to maltreatment or other disruptive environmental influences.

    The concept that humans are inherently predisposed to misbehave unless they are exposed to a strict religious environment is clearly incorrect. However, being raised in a supportive environment that may include a range of religious values, would help to prevent antisocial behaviors in the small proportion of individuals that inherit genes for antisocial behavior. [p465]

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